Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)

13 3 OK From Parents Then See A Lawyer; You May Need One quad city whirl Art Guild Plans Show or friends. For my birthday last year he gave me a silver dollar for every year. This amounted to 33 dollars. The money came in handy but I felt uneasy about accepting it. At Christmas time he gave me a gift certificate for $25.

This embarrassed me because I gave him a handkerchief. Yesterday when my wrist watch broke he said he knew what to get for my birthday next month. I can use a new watch, Ann, but should I accept it? I'm nice girl and I want to stay that way. -A. M.

Dear A.M.: People who accept The Rock Island Art Guild will present its seventh annual art show Sunday in the main room of the Watch Tower Inn, Blackhawk State Park, Rock Island. The public is welcome to view the show from noon to 4 p.m. Local artists and students will exhibit oil paintings, watercolors, stabiles, mobiles and sculptures. Various works of art will be on sale. Those who wish to exhibit are asked to bring their works to the main room in the Watch Tower Inn between 8 and 10 a.m.

Members of the committee will be on hand to take information needed and to help with the displays. Littel Family Has Reunion Descendants of Mr. Littel held their first family 17 in Duck Creek Park, I Seventy-seven families Colorado attended the event. and Mrs. William Henry reunion in 20 years Sept.

Davenport. from Iowa, Illinois and Federated Woman's Club To Meet The Davenport-Bettendorf Junior Federated Woman's Club will meet at 7:45 p.m. Monday at Bishop's Buffet, Duck Creek Plaza, Bettendorf. Plan Variety Show The Davenport chapter of the Indoor Sports Club of Physically Handicapped will hold a box supper and variety show at 7 tonight in Grace Methodist Church, Davenport. The public is invited.

Past Matrons Club To Meet The Past Matrons Club Order of Amaranth, will day in the home of Mrs. Rock Island. Armstrong, Sturm Vows Exchanged a lawyer. And if you don't know a lawyer I hope you will get acquainted with one because you'll probably be needing him later. If you think I'm trying to scare you, have a statistic: In 1960 approximately one marriage of every three hit the rocks.

And teenage marriages are three times as risky as adult marriages. I hope I got this infor. mation to you fast enough, sir. Dear Ann Landers: I work in a store with a rather elderly man who must be very lonesome. He doesn't seem to have any family 4-H Clubs in the states for six months for the International Farm Youth Exchange observing 4-H clubs in action here.

About 30 women attended the tea in her honor, the guests being representative of 4-H club leaders in this area. Miss Shirley Marland, Roger Bricault Wed In a 7 p.m. ceremony Church, Davenport, Miss Denison Davenport, To Observe Golden Vows Date Dear Ann Landers: Will rush some vitally needed information? What states will allow a girl of 15 to get married? a her parents annul the marriage if lies about her age and says she is older? What states will ANN LANDERS allow a fellow of 18 to get married? Does have to have a job? Can he put in jail if he is of legal ANN LANDERS you but the girl is not? Is it true that the parents of the girl cannot cancel the marriage if the couple spends 24 hours together? The girl is not in any kind of trouble so don't quote laws about girls in jams. And please skip the advice. We know what we want to do.

All we want from you is fast answers. Thanks. Young Lovers Dear Young: Your letter is from southern Illinois. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that in this state neither you nor your he girl is old enough to be married be without parental consent, age As for the other questions, ask Visits Miss Consuelo Escarria of Colombia, South America, left, visits with her hostess, Mrs. Harold Strand of Cordova, at a tea given Friday in the home of Mrs.

Lois Mitchell, Rock Island County Home Adviser. Miss Escarria has been CAMBRIDGE, Ill. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandburg, Cambridge, will note their 50th wedding agniversary Oct.

8 at an open house in their home. Friends and relatives are invited to call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m, The former Anna Berg and Mr. Sandburg were married Sept. 6, 1911, in Cambridge. They have two children: Ralph of Compton, and Mrs.

Everette (Margaret) Spellman, Galva. There are six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Stanlakes WHEATLAND, Iowa The Elmer Stanlakes of Wheatland will observe their- 50th wedding anniversary Oct. at an open house in their home. The event will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

The former Caroline Proesch and 1 Mr. Stanlake were married Oct. 12, 1911, in Lowden, lowa. They have three children: Mrs. Robert Stocker, Toronto, Iowa; Mrs.

Charles DeWulf, Bennett, Iowa; and Richard Stanlake, Dixon, Iowa. There are six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Friday in Zion Lutheran Shirley Marland, E. became the bride of Roger Bricault, Cumberland, R. I.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Marland, Davenport. Mr. Bricault is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Achilles Bricault, Cumberland, R.I. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Mrs. Gary Edwards, Muscatine. Serving as best man was Paul Ward, Clinton.

The couple will live in Davenport. Mrs. Bricault was graduated from Muscatine High School and St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing. She is a staff nurse with the Davenport Visiting Nurse Association.

Mr. Bricault was graduated from Sacred Heart Academy, Cumberland, and is a senior at St. Luke's School of Nursing. He also served three years in the Navy. Announcements The Music Students Club will meet at 1:30 p.m.

Monday in Westerlin Hall of Augustana College, Rock Island. The Sunday Evening Music Club will open the new season with a meeting at 8 p.m. Sunday (in the Griggs Recital Hall, Davenport. Presenting the program will be Mrs. Clarence Clarke, soprano; Mr.

Clarke, baritone; Vincent Peterson, violinist; and Robert, Sutton, pianist. Mrs. Vernon D. Hagelin will be the accompanist. Miss Janice Lea Gritton, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Gritton Lowden, became the bride of Kent Eugene Strackbein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Strackbein, Lowden, in an evening ceremony in Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, Lowden. For her wedding, the bride wore a gown of taffeta fashioned with a Sabrina neckline, basque waistline and full bouffant floor length skirt which extended into a chapel train.

Her short veil of English illusion fell from a pearl and aurora borealis crown; she carried a cascade arrangement of white roses and carnations. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Miss Marcia Riedesel, Wheatland. Bridesmaids were Miss Joan Fiezech and Miss Linda Ahrens, both of Cedar Rapids. Deborah Gritton, sister of the bride, was flower girl, The attendants wore dresses of coral silk organza and taffeta styled with bell skirts. Demi-hats held their nose veils, and they carried colonial bouquets of white mums with stephanotis.

Serving as best man was Eugene Kemmann, Lowden. Kermit Strackbein, brother of the bride, and Duane Gritton, were groomsmen; ushers were Reuben Strackbein and Donald King. A reception was held in the church parlors. The couple will live in Lowden. GENESEO, Ill.

Miss Margaret Carolyn Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Armstrong, Alexis, became the bride of William R. Sturm, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Orville Sturm, Atkinson, in a ceremony in First Presbyterian Church, Geneseo. A reception was held in honor of the couple in the church parlors. of Sadye Rochat Court, meet at 7:30 p.m. WednesJohn Luther, 1702 30th MRS. STURM Dewey Hamstras Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary MORRISON, Ill Mr.

and Mrs. Dewey Hamstra, Morrison, observed their 50th wedding versary at an open house Sept. 14. The former Johanna Bielema and Mr. Hamstra were married Sept.

14, 1911, They have five children: of Fenton; Mrs. Richard (Alma) Meinema, Milledgeville; Ralph Hamstra, Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Decker, Morrison; and SATURDAY TIMES DEMOCRAT For The Family DAVENPORT-BETTENDORF, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1961 PAGE 10 TILE ANN LANDERS gifts which are out of proportion obligate themselves. Your last line suggests exactly what I'm driving at. Tell him you appreciate his generosity but you simply cannot accept a gift which costs more than $2.

If he buys something expensive anyway, give it back. Dear Ann Landers: I have a great boy friend but he's soft in the head when it comes to playing the ponies. I told him I wasn't lending him any more money to throw away on bets. He promised he'd lay off. A few days ago he phoned to say he had a sure thing from a guy on the inside.

He wanted a century. I said no. An hour later he dropped by my little place of business and said he had to go to Peoria to see his sick mother and the garage wouldn't let him have the car unless he paid the $100 repair bill. I let him have the money. Now I'm mad at myself.

I think he made up the story about his mother. What does this sound like to you? -Pidge Dear Pidge: It sounds like the horse was sick. If you have any idea of marrying this fast-talker, be prepared for more of the same. Horse bettors have vivid imaginations, They should write fiction. Are you going steady? Making marriage plans? If so, send for ANN LANDERS' booklet, "Before You Marry Is It Love Or Sex?" enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and long, self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the Morning Democrat enclosing stamped, self-addressed envelope. MISS JUDI MEINERT MISS DARLENE MOELLER Couples The engagement and Judi Meinert, daughter of ert, Eldridge, to Robert and Mrs. Joseph Lunardi, 2003 enport, has been revealed. The couple will exchange vows in a private ceremony at 5:30 p.m.

Oct. 28, in Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Eldridge. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the reception to be held from 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Northwest Turner Hall, Davenport. The bride elect has selected Miss Sandy Knackstedt, Davenport, to attend her as maid of honor.

Robert Garmon, Davenport, will be best man. Miss Meinert, a graduate of Davenport High School and McConnell Airline School, Minneapolis, is a travel counselor with Reveal Eng approaching marriage of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Victor MeinLunardi, son of Mr. and Mrs.

North Michigan Dav- World Wide Travel, Bettendorf, Mr. Lunardi was graduated from Davenport High School. He served two years in the Marines and is a barber with Riley Martin's Barber Shop, Davenport. Moeller-Schluensen Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Darlene Mae Moeller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert E. Moeller, R. No. 1, Bettendorf, to Roger A. Schluensen, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Schluensen, R. R. No. 1, Bettendorf.

The couple plan a February wedding. The bride elect, a graduate of Engagements: Bettendorf High School, is with the Northwest Bank a Trust Davenport. Mr. Schluensen attended Durant High School. He is employed by Scott County and is engaged in farming with his father.

Gritton, Strackbein Vows Said How They Met It was a good start this year for Darlene and Roger when they: met New Year's Eve at a roller: rink. He noticed her and asked one of his friends her name. When his friend told him, he ognized the name as being one. of his sister's girlfriends. He asked her to skate; they had their first date a few months later, when they again went roller skating.

They became engaged this past June. Say Vous In Area Ceremonies Port Byron Methodist the scene of the 2:30 p.m. which united Miss Janice L. Moline, and Robert W. Falk, The bride is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence J. Wiersema Jr. Mr. Falk is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter W. Falk, Hillsdale. For her wedding, the bride chose a gown of Alencon lace fashioned with a Sabrina neckline and an a appliqued yoke. Her veil of silk illusion was held by a queen's crown, Attending her as maid of honor was Mrs.

Lyle Walrod, DeWitt. Miss Marlene Hotstetter, Moline, and Miss Arlene Falk, Hillsdale, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. The attendants wore street length gowns of blue peau de soie with bow headpieces. Serving as best man was Richard Henricks, Silvis. Groomsmen were Leonard Falk, Hillsdale, and Dale Wiersema, Port Byron.

A reception was held in the Church, Port Byron, nuptial ceremony Sept. 24, Wiersema, 506 5th Hillsdale, Ill. church parlors. The couple will live at 17th Moline. The bride is a graduate of Riverdale Senior High School, Port Byron, and Lutheran Hospital School for Nurses, Moline.

She is staff nurse there, Mr. Falk attended Hillsdale High School. He served two years in the Army and is with Oscar Mayer Davenport. Peters-Ihlefeld Peters-Ihlefeld CAMBRIDGE, III. Nuptial vows were exchanged in a 2 p.m.

ceremony Sept. 24 in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Orion, by Miss Freda Peters and Elmer Ihlefeld, Davenport. The bride wore a floor length gown of white lace and net. Her fingertip veil was held by a seed pearl headband trimmed with seed pearls.

Attending her sister as matron of honor was Mrs. Harold E. Craine, Toulon. She wore a bal- ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS NOW IN OPERATION AT NORTH BRADY OASIS ENJOY YOUR MOVIES IN PARLOR ROOM COMFORT IN ANY KIND OF WEATHER lerina length gown of nylon chiffon and taffeta with a rhinestone band for a headpiece. Serving as best man was Carl Ihlefeld, Spencer, Wis.

Ushers were Robert Schroeder, Orion, cousin of the bridegroom, and William McRell, Hillsdale, brother-in-law of the bride. A reception was held at the church. The bride, the daughter of Mrs. Grace Peters, Cambridge, aud the late Herman Peters, attended AlWood Schools and the American Institute of Commerce, Davenport. Mr.

Ihlefeld, the son of the Mr. and s. William Ihlefeld, attended Scott County schools and is engaged in farming. Hamstra of Erie. There are grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.

Mrs. Hamstra is a native of Fulton and is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bielema. Mr.

Hamstra was born in the Netherlands and came to this country with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Mino Hamstra. They settled in Fulton. The Hamstras lived in Fulton before moving to Morrison.

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Quad-City Times from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


What are the 4 Quad Cities in Iowa and Illinois? ›

Made up of four cities in Iowa and Illinois, the Quad Cities includes Rock Island and Moline in Illinois and Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa. Some people also include East Moline.

Why is Davenport called the Quad Cities? ›

1. First Things First: The Name Is A Misnomer. The Quad Cities region encompasses five cities total: Bettendorf, Davenport, Moline, East Moline and Rock Island. The name originates from a time before Bettendorf was considered its own city, and the name“Quint Cities” never quite took.

Which quad city is safest? ›

Bettendorf. #1 Best Suburbs to Live in Quad Cities Area.

What city is across the river from Davenport, Iowa? ›

Davenport, city, seat (1838) of Scott county, eastern Iowa, U.S. It lies on the north bank of the Mississippi River and is the largest of the Quad Cities, an urban complex that includes neighbouring Bettendorf to the east and Moline and Rock Island across the river in Illinois.

How many casinos are in Quad Cities? ›

The President Casino opened about an hour later on the riverfront in Davenport, Iowa. Today, three land-based casinos operate daily in the Quad Cities – Isle Casino Hotel Bettendorf, Bally's Quad Cities Casino & Hotel in Rock Island, and Rhythm City Casino Resort in Davenport.

Who owns Quad City Times? ›

The Quad-City Times is a daily newspaper published in Davenport, Iowa. The paper is owned by Lee Enterprises, which owns newspapers in over 50 midwestern markets and publishes the Quad-City Times and The Muscatine Journal under the umbrella of the Quad-Cities Group.

What is the Quad Cities 2030? ›

The Quad Cities' Q2030 Regional Action Plan is a transformational community and economic development initiative designed to make our bi-state area a cooler, more creative, connected and prosperous place by the year 2030.

When did the Quad Cities start? ›

The name "Quad Cities"

People began calling the area the Quad Cities in the 1960s, before Bettendorf was large enough to be considered a "city". By the time Bettendorf was large enough, people were so used to the name "Quad Cities" that they decided to keep it.

What famous person is from Davenport, Iowa? ›

Leon 'Bix' Beiderbecke

Leon Beiderbecke is a Davenport-born musician more widely known under the name "Bix." As a jazz musician, Beiderbecke became known for the quality of his improvisation in his performances.

Why is Davenport famous? ›

Davenport is the economic engine of the larger Quad Cities metro area that is home to several successful Fortune 500 companies including Kraft Heinz, Sterilite Corporation, Nestle Purina, Sears Manufacturing, and John Deere.

Why do they call couch Davenport? ›

"Davenport was the name of a series of sofas made by the Massachusetts furniture manufacturer A. H. Davenport and Company, now defunct. Due to the popularity of the furniture at the time, the name davenport became a genericized trademark, like aspirin." from Davenport (sofa).

What cities border Iowa and Illinois? ›

Quad Cities, complex of cities at the Iowa-Illinois border, on the Mississippi River, U.S. Despite its name, the region includes five main cities: Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline, Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa. There are also several smaller contiguous communities.

What are the Quad Cities near Chicago? ›

Rock Island is a major city in what is known as the Quad Cities, a region with a population approaching 400,000 that encompasses Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline, Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa.

What are the Quad Cities in Minnesota? ›

About Quad Cities

The rural region located in St. Louis County and referred to as the Quad Cities, includes Virginia, Eveleth, Gilbert, and Mountain Iron. The Quad Cities are located on the Iron Range in Northeastern Minnesota with a combined population of 19,350.

Are the Quad Cities on the Mississippi River? ›

Don't miss a minute of our QC Vibe! We are a Bi-State, Iowa and Illinois, family of communities on the Mississippi River. We pack a serious punch with our Midwestern spirit.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.